
Сообщения за февраль, 2020

Social psychology

  One of our tasks in Public Speaking is to do a MOOC. What is it? MOOC -  stands for Massive Open Online Course . They are distance-learning courses run online by many universities worldwide. Usually, they are open to anyone who registers. One single course may admit even thousands of students. It is possible to study almost any subject through this method, and dozens of famous universities worldwide are now offering MOOCs.  So, our teacher gave us this site  https://openedu.ru/  for MOOC that named Social Psychology. And for the first task we should to watch first six lectures and than to test out knowledges. People are inherently social and social psychology attempts to explain why they do the things they do, act the way they act, and think the way they think.  Social psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the effect of social factors on an individual’s behavior, attitudes, perceptions, and motives as well as on within group and between gro

Netiquette rules

Netiquette rules - is concerned with the "proper" way to communicate in an online enviroment. GOLDEN RULE: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!" 1. REMEMBER THE HUMAN Remember, your written words are read by real people, all deserving of respectful communication. Before you press "send" or "submit," ask yourself, "Would I be okay with this if someone else had written it? 2. ADHERE TO THE SAME STANDART OF BEHAVIOUR ONLINE THAT YOU FOLLOW IN REAL LIFE. While it can be argued that standards of behavior may be different in the virtual world, they certainly should not be lower. You should do your best to act within the laws and ethical manners of society whenever you inhabit "cyberspace." Would you behave rudely to someone face-to-face? On most occasions, no. Neither should you behave this way in the virtual world. 3. KNOW WHERE YOU ARE IN CYBERSPACE. Depending on where you are in th

Анкета "Ваш уровень ораторского мастерства"

Следующая анкета поможет Вам идентифицировать особенности Вашего стиля общения с аудиторией, помогающие или мешающие Вам донести свои идеи до слушателей. Задание .  Вспомните те случаи из вашей жизни, когда вы успешно выступили перед собравшейся аудиторией. Представьте эти ситуации и прокомментируйте каждое из приведённых ниже утверждений как "да" "нет", "иногда" . Утверждение Ответ 1. Во время выступления я обычно стараюсь «публично мыслить», чтобы слушатели следили за ходом моих рассуждений. Иногда 2. В своих выступлениях я, как правило, сопоставляю противоположные точки зрения, факты, концепции. Нет 3. В процессе аргументации я обычно ввожу заведомо абсурдное утверждение, приписав его реальному или возможному оппоненту. Нет 4. Я часто применяю проблемную подачу тезиса, например, в форме вопроса. Да 5. Для выступления я выбираю наиболее убедительные и красноречивые

Hello! It`s me....

So, I`ll try... I`m Alina. And I like coffee :))))) I drink it everywhere and every day. Because I think it give me strong and I feel alive. I study at the Faculty of Foreign Languages in the 4th year, and I will be a teacher. Now at the 8th semester we have a new discipline "Public speech". For me it is a very needable course. It is like help of God 😍 Why????? You may to see it in the end of the text.... Okey, I tell you what it is.... It was the first lesson of "Public Speech" and teacher asked us to tell about events from our previous year. The First problem was "I have nothing interesting of my life.." and the Second was the request of teacher to record our events on phone to watch them later and make a conclusion. And now I try to do this. Firstly, I have to admit that I put this off, because I know that it`s awful((((( But I could not imagine that it`s tooooo much awful, I want to say nasty somehow... Okey, start with the cons ((because