Social psychology

 Картинки по запросу "social psychology"

One of our tasks in Public Speaking is to do a MOOC. What is it?
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course. They are distance-learning courses run online by many universities worldwide. Usually, they are open to anyone who registers. One single course may admit even thousands of students. It is possible to study almost any subject through this method, and dozens of famous universities worldwide are now offering MOOCs. 

So, our teacher gave us this site for MOOC that named Social Psychology. And for the first task we should to watch first six lectures and than to test out knowledges.
People are inherently social and social psychology attempts to explain why they do the things they do, act the way they act, and think the way they think. 
Social psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the effect of social factors on an individual’s behavior, attitudes, perceptions, and motives as well as on within group and between group experiences. 
There are six lectures for the first module. I found these lectures very interesting and informative.  As for me, some information is known for me, because we've learned it in Psychology discipline throughout three years.
At the end of the module there is a test which consists of ten questions. Each question presents a situation that we need to analyze and find the right answer. 
It is my result:

My score is 10 out of 10. As I said before, it was not difficult for me, it was a renewal of the material. But I am sure that the following modules will contain a lot of new information and it will be very interesting to study.

That's it for today, I want to advise you to start this course with me. I’m sure that you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself there!!!


  1. Hi, Alina! You've taken this course too, it's wonderful! I share your point of view about this course. By the way, 10 out of 10 is absolutely perfect result. Kind of jealous to you!


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