
Challenge #10

Hello there! It is time for the last challenge #10. And my final challenge is called "Find 5 penpals and learn as much information as possible about them" This challenge was supposed to be the most difficult. But when I set about fulfilling it, I did not experience any difficulties and, most importantly, no fear. Is it a success? Yes of course. So, I’ll tell you how it was. Firstly, I registered on the InterPals platform InterPals is a friendly community of over 5 million friends, language learners, travelers and penpals. After about 2 days, I met Michelle. She is from Melbourne. She is currently studying as a video game designer. And she loves sweets just like me. Then I met Veris. He lives in Madrid. He raps and dances well. You won't get bored with him, he can always cheer you up. He is also a very handsome and sweet guy. Next was Pauline. She lives in Poland, but is fluent in English. She is humble. We have different interests with her.

Анкета "Ваш уровень ораторского мастерства"

The next task for today is to do a questionnaire that we did at the beginning of the course and compare our results. Следующая анкета поможет Вам идентифицировать особенности Вашего стиля общения с аудиторией, помогающие или мешающие Вам донести свои идеи до слушателей. Задание. Вспомните те случаи из вашей жизни, когда вы успешно выступили перед собравшейся аудиторией. Представьте эти ситуации и прокомментируйте каждое из приведённых ниже утверждений как "да" "нет", "иногда". Утверждение Ответ 1. Во время выступления я обычно стараюсь «публично мыслить», чтобы слушатели следили за ходом моих рассуждений. Иногда 2. В своих выступлениях я, как правило, сопоставляю противоположные точки зрения, факты, концепции. Да 3. В процессе аргументации я обычно ввожу заведомо абсурдное утверждение, приписав его реальному или возможному оппоненту. Нет 4. Я часто применяю проблемную подачу тезиса, например, в форме вопроса. Нет 5. Д

Challenge #9

Hello, my readers!!!! Our course of Oral Speech comes to an end...and it is the last challenge...I'm sad. And you? I'll try to lift your spirits. Because my last challenge was interesting...it was fail, but it was great experience. And I promise right now that I will definitely achieve the result that I expected from this challenge. So, my last challenge wad called "Conduct a live broadcast on Instagram" But I want to begin with the quote by Richard Branson “Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again.” This quote motivates me to complete my goals despite the setbacks. So it was this time. My challenge seems to be simple, but it’s not at all. Conducting a live broadcast successfully with a large number of viewers is difficult. At first I thought that I just start the broadcast and I will wait for my friends and acquaintances to connect and we will chat. But after 30 minutes 5 people went in, who after about 5 mi

Useful YouTube channel!

So, today I also want to share with you, my readers, a fantastic, beautiful, useful, devastating and so on, YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBYFP4mZLQovr7W6Si6sueA/featured This channel calls MasterTalk, its creator is Brandon. MasterTalk has one unique goal - to overcome your fear of public speaking so that you can use your voice to better communicate your ideas to the world. - it's the one reason why you should to use it. The second reason is that Brandon explains the material very accessible and understandable way. And the last one is that his channel contains a lot of information, that can really helps you to overcome your fear and to do your speech powerful.  

Challenge #8

Hello everybody! It's time to the Challenge #8!!!! So, it called "Order food delivery and chat with the courier about different topics". How it was? The other day I found the great quotation: «Success is the child of audacity» by Benjamin Disraeli With each new challenge it becomes easier for me to overcome them. I no longer think: is it worth to do it? what will happen if? and etc. I just do it. And so it happened this time. But today the story will be told by the story participant (the courier) "I am a courier. And this is another delivery of the day. Thank God I don’t have to go so far. So when I arrived, a friendly girl met me and invited me into the house. She seemed to jump from happiness when she saw me. And she exclaimed: "Oh miracle! You are a girl!" That was weird. After she paid, she suddenly asked me a question: "Tell me about the restaurant you work in, please?" It seemed to me veeery strange. Maybe she jus

The last performance fron our group!

Hello there! On this week, it was the last performace of informative speech. The speaker was Anna. She sent us the script and the presentation of her speech.  1.  Introduction: ( 10 points) ·           What technique(s) was used in the introduction?  The speaker used the technique "Giving a quotation" and also she used a rhetorical questions. ·           Any link-element? Yes. " The ability to persuade is an art that can be developed. Persuasive speech, if ethically presented, will benefit both the presenter and the accepting audience. That is why a public speaker needs to advance their persuasive speaking skills in order to help the listeners accept an idea, an attitude, or an action presented." ·           Was the thesis statement given? " This leads me to my thesis statement: The knowledge of certain influential techniques can significantly increase the chances that the audience will be persuaded by your speech." ·           How effecti

Guy Fawkes Night!

The final task for this week was to analyze one of the speeches given in our book.  All of speeches were written by students of our faculty. I found it interesting. And I decided to read all the speeches. But, I will analyze only one. And I chose the speech 2. Guy Fawkes Night. Good morning, my fellow-students. We as the students of the faculty of foreign languages should know more about English traditions and history. Let's expand our knowledge with one more tradition of London city. As we know British nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. One of the most interesting traditional holidays, which is celebrated especially in London is Guy Fawkes Night. Guy Fawkes Night is kept alive because people remember and revere their history. It's like to tell you about this unusual holiday. So, Guy Fawkes Night is annually held on the fifth of November. It is also known as Bonfire Night