I'm a seller....???

Hello, my readers! The second week passed as I try to overcome the language barrier.
And today I want to tell you about my progress. Yes, that's right, I already see successes, small ones, but they are.

Let's begin!

On Tuesday in a Public Speech, the teacher gave us the task: to sell an activity and I had the activity that named Personality Quilt. We had some kind of conference of teachers (who were my groupmates) and we should to sell then an activity and its benefits. We had like five minutes to get ready and of course we recorded our speech.

I don’t know how it happened, but at first I didn’t understand the task correctly and therefore my speech was different from the others.

It was my activity:

Personality Quilt. Each student picks a quilt design and assembles pictures from magazines, photos of self and family and/or friends, maps of places where s/he has been, lyrics from favourite songs, drawings, material scraps from a favourite outfit, quotations to live by, and any other personal items that can be placed in the collage pattern. Each square will become part of a class quilt, and each square is worthy of a Personality Quilt speech to describe the items on the quilt square and how they reveal the personality of the speaker.

And it was my speech....:

This time, let's start with the pros. (Our teacher asked us not to be so negative towards ourselves and start with the pros).
First, I started using eye contact with the audience. Secondly, I do not rub my hands, but simply spread them in different directions :) . Thirdly, I left my hair alone.
The changes are noticeable! And that's great!

And what about cons.
I sometimes read from a notebook and after each word, I said "EEE", that it’s even hard for me to watch this video. I'm too fast and  I didn't describe the activity in a correct way (in detail I mean), so probably people don’t understand what I'm talking about.

The next day we had Public Speech again. So, our teacher asked us to prepare a new speech at home,and then compare two videos.

The prepared speech:

In this one I'm more confident, I tried to explain the activity in detail, to reveal benefits of it and to sell it, of course. I guess that I improved my speech and in common I can see improvements of my public speech.

I want to ask you would you buy this 'item' for your students? I really hope so! Give me some comments below, please!It is really important for me! Thank you for that! :)


  1. How's it going? Always look forward to new videos with your speech! And lucky for me I can watch two at once! I find this task complicated, because it takes a lot of effort to improve your performance in a better way, course. And you've done it! My congratulations!


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