Challenge #3

Hello everybody!

So today I did my 3d challenge! And it is "Go to the neighbors and get to know them better"

Chances are anywhere else, all you need to do is to grab them because they don't always show up. .

I live in a multi-storey building on the 14th floor and on our storey there are only 3 flats.
The 1st flat is for rent, but in another flat live family. The family with 3 children. Our first acquaintance was not the best.
And now I have a chance to correct this and get to know them better.

Their children are constantly playing on our storey, they even has its own closet with toys and the walls of our storey are decorated with different crafts.

When they again went out to play, I joined to them. I really love children, honestly! But these children are very spoiled and bad manners. It was difficult, but it seemed we managed to find a common language.
Then their mother opened the door and looked at me furiously and said something like "What are you doing here?"
I answered that we had fun with her children and she took them home.

When she slammed the door, I noticed that the girl left the phone on the storey, I knocked on the door to return it.
The man opened the door (Probably the father of the girls). He smiled pleasantly at me, I returned the phone to him and I felt awkward and I think the blood rushed into my cheeks and I was excitement of course, but I tried and I explained that it was not necessary to took the children home because of me, I would just leave them and that's it.
The man was clearly not aware that me and his wife is in such relationship, asked: "What happened?"

I told him what I mean and then he invited me to visit their home and we had a good talk over a cup of tea and solved our misunderstanding.

Argue, bad, fight, neighbor, neighbour, quarrel, scold icon

So to do this, I I make new friends, even if they are much older than me. I overcame my pride and make the peace!


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