Challenge #5

Accept The Challenge! | United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan ...
When the time comes for a new challenge, I, of course, get nervous, think a lot, sometimes I don’t want to do it, because I need to step over my fear very much ...

I know one quote from the book "The Light in the Heart" by Roy T. Bennett's:
“Challenge is meant to help you know who you are. Storms hit your weakness, but unlock your true strength.”
This quote helps me to avoid some unnecessary thinks and motivates me to do the challenges. 

My 5th challenge called: "Go to the balcony and read a couple of articles from my blog"

At first, I chose for a long time what posts to read . After all, they should be clear and interesting to people who accidentally passed by. (It sounds funny, but I would be interested in being a listener)

I chose 2 posts: "Who is the great public speaker?" and “When I think about something, I attract it into my life.”
Accordingly, I decided that I would read them in Russian, because only a few people would understand something in English ...
It was a sunny and hot day. When I went to the balcony, I saw many children, parents and old people in the yard.
Everyone was busy with something. Children played, parents looked after the children, and the old people discussed the latest news about coronavirus.

I live on the 14th floor, so I had to read loud enough to be heard.

I began with the words: "Good afternoon, dear neighbors! Today I want to read you a couple of notes from my blog on the topic Stage fright"

So I tried to get attention ...
But I only got funny looks.

I took a deep breath, repeating in my head only one phrase from the book.
And I began to read.
At first, no one paid attention to me. Then I decided to read louder and louder. Then I used different intonation and stress. Then people's attention was attracted perfectly.
There was a mess in my head. I understood that I could not stop, because I just started moving to the goal. And I read and read.
When the first post ended, I looked at the people and realized that most of them raised their heads and were waiting for the continuation!
This is a success!
I read the second post perfectly and  you know what people started to do?
To applaud.
This is what I talked about in my informative speech, and I achieved this in life by simply reading a couple of posts from my blog!

How did I feel after this challenge?

I felt calm and peaceful. I smiled for the rest of the day and nothing could spoil my mood.
I am proud of myself! I believe that I have made a great achievement. And remember: 
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.


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