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Social Psychology 11
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It's the 11th week of Social Psychology! And today I received answers to the questions: "How does collective behaviour arise? Is social psychology universal?"
Hello everybody! How are you going? What do you do on a quarantine time? Share with me, I really need it, believe me :) So, today I have some tasks of Public Speaking. And the first is to create 10 challanges to change my strong musts and to overcome my fears. I should to put the list in order, starting with the easiest behaviours through to the hardest. We have 12 examples in our book. So here are some examples of how to change your strong musts: 1. Initiate a one-on-one conversation with your teacher/superior about something inconsequential. 2. Speak up in a small meeting at work/ University (2 or 3 people). 3. Ring a wrong number on purpose and say "I'm sorry, I seem to have dialled the wrong number" 4. Ask for change in a shop. 5. Initiate a one-on-one conversation with your teacher/superior asking for feedback on your performance. 6. Ask for change in a shop which has a sign “No change given." 7. Initiate a one-on-on...
Следующая анкета поможет Вам идентифицировать особенности Вашего стиля общения с аудиторией, помогающие или мешающие Вам донести свои идеи до слушателей. Задание . Вспомните те случаи из вашей жизни, когда вы успешно выступили перед собравшейся аудиторией. Представьте эти ситуации и прокомментируйте каждое из приведённых ниже утверждений как "да" "нет", "иногда" . Утверждение Ответ 1. Во время выступления я обычно стараюсь «публично мыслить», чтобы слушатели следили за ходом моих рассуждений. Иногда 2. В своих выступлениях я, как правило, сопоставляю противоположные точки зрения, факты, концепции. Нет 3. В процессе аргументации я обычно ввожу заведомо абсурдное утверждение, приписав его реальному или возможному оппоненту. Нет 4. Я часто применяю проблемную подачу тезиса, например, в форме вопроса. Да 5. Для выступления я выбираю наиболее убедительные и красноречивые ...
I have the list of quotes and I should to match the first half of each quotation (1–10) with the second half (a–j). 1. It is better to have loved and lost. c) than never to have loved at all. – Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809– 1892) 2. Never explain – your friends do not need it. i) and your enemies will not believe you anyway. – Elbert Hubbard (1856–1915) 3. Well done is better. e) than well said. – Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) 4. I’m President of the United States and. a) I’m not going to eat any more broccoli! – George H W Bush (1924–) 5. To get back my youth I would do anything in the world. h) except take exercise, get up early or be respectable. – Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) 6. Words are, of course, the most. j) powerful drug known to mankind. – Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936) 7. We must learn to live together as brothers. d) or perish together as fools. – Martin Luther King, Jr (1929–1968) 8. My one regret in life is that. b) I’m not someone else. – Woody A...
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