The 5th, the 6th and the 7th performances from our group!

Spichka” Public Speaking Club | American Cultural Center

On this week we have 3 new themes but only 2 of them were presented.

These themes were:

  1. Introduction of the speech
  2. Body of the speech
  3. Conclusion of the speech
The 1st theme was presented by Victoria.

1. Introduction: ( 10 points)
·         What technique(s) was used in the introduction? The speaker used the technique "Giving a quotation". It was Joanne Rowling's Harvard commencement speech.
·         Any link-element? Yes. After the attention-getter was the link-element that helped me to know about what the speaker want to say further. 
·         Was the thesis statement given? Yes, the thesis was given clearly: "And this leads me to my thesis, which is - an introduction can “make” or “break” you as a speaker because it sets the tone for the remainder of speech"
·         How effective was the introduction?
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts

2. Body:  (10 points)
·         How well structured was the information presented?
Highly organized
10, 9, 8
Some organized
7, 6, 5, 4
3, 2, 1
·         What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining. It was main headings, supporting materials and details (Thank for it! It helped me to understand the information clearly). Also the speech had transitions and signposts which showed how all the parts of speech fit together. 
·         How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)?
Very good
10, 9, 8
Had some problems
7, 6, 5, 4
Had major problems
3, 2, 1
·         Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety)
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5, 4
Almost no
3, 2, 1
·         Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
4, 3, 2, 1
·         Was it coherent?
10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

Max 10 pts

3. Conclusion: (10 points)
·         What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?
·         Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?)

To sum up, a speaker should follow 4 main steps to build up an effective introduction: use one type of attention-getters to attract the audience attention, provide a clear link, give a specific thesis statement and present a preview of the major areas that will be discussed to make the body easier to follow.
Follow this and you will manage to get the audience`s interest and participation. 
Emotional appeal: - 
I didn't found an emotional appeal in this speech at all. And as for me, the speech was very interesting and effective but it hasn't a powerful conclusion resulting the speech will not memorable for the alltime. 

·         How effective was the conclusion?
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts

Total points:  30
Given points:        25      

The 2nd theme was presented by Dana Logvinova but in other format. Because she fell ill at this time she just sending for us the writing speech and presentation.

1. Introduction: ( 10 points)
·         What technique(s) was used in the introduction? The speaker used  "Asking a question" technique: "What else do we need so that our speech looks accurate and understandable? It’s the body of the speech, of course...."
·         Any link-element? Yes. After the attention-getter was the link-element that helped me to know about what he speaker want to say further: "Now that you have chosen the appropriate opening remarks, it is time to write the body of your speech."
·         Was the thesis statement given? Yes, the thesis was given clearly: "Let’s take a look at 2 important ways to make the body of your speech clear and convincing: outlining and using organizational patterns."
·         How effective was the introduction?
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts

2. Body:  (10 points)
·         How well structured was the information presented?
Highly organized
10, 9, 8
Some organized
7, 6, 5, 4
3, 2, 1
·         What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining. It was main headings, supporting materials and details (Thank for it! It helped me to understand the information clearly). Also the speech had transitions and signposts which showed how all the parts of speech fit together. 
·         How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)?
Very good
10, 9, 8
Had some problems
7, 6, 5, 4
Had major problems
3, 2, 1
·         Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety)
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5, 4
Almost no
3, 2, 1
·         Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
4, 3, 2, 1
·         Was it coherent?
10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

Max 10 pts

3. Conclusion: (10 points)
·         What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?
·         Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?)

To sum up, the body of the speech is the biggest and is where the majority of information is transferred.
Action: -
Dana didn't give any call to action for listeners, at all. But I think that it's very important. It's an integral part of the speech. And it's very importent for me...and for listeners, of course. 
Emotional appeal: - 
I didn't found an emotional appeal in this speech at all. And as for me, the speech was very interesting and effective but it hasn't a powerful conclusion resulting the speech will not memorable for the alltime. 

·         How effective was the conclusion?
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts

Total points:  30
Given points:        16       

Soo, why I didn't presented the 3d speaker? 
If you want to know, you should just to wait the next post. See you there. 😉


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