Outline of my persuasive speech

The next task for today, pick up the material and do the outline of persuasive speech!

Speech outline gives structure and saves time!

Few Creative Ways To Write And Organize Your Speech - Youth Time ...

Purpose Statement: The purpose of my speech is to help people increase work effectiveness and productivity.


1. Social ecologist Peter F. Drucker once said: “Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” Never is this truer than when describing the importance of time management skills for people.
  • Effective time management doesn't mean doing more things or doing them more quickly.  Effective time management means getting more of the important work done in a day. 
  • In researching this speech, we really need effective time management to keep us be more discipline towards our life.
  • Good time management leads to improved efficiency and productivity, less stress, and more success in life.
2. Today I will introduce you some ways to manage time effectively:
  • Time management helps to relief stress 
  • Time management gives more time
  • Managing time well leads to more opportunities
  • Time management gives the ability to realize goals


1. Time management helps to relief stress
  • Making and following a task schedule reduces anxiety. 
  • As you check off items on your “to-do” list, you can see that you are making tangible progress. 
  • This helps you avoid feeling stressed out with worry about whether you’re getting things done.
2. Time management gives more time
  • Good time management gives you extra time to spend in your daily life. 
  • People who can time-manage effectively enjoy having more time to spend on hobbies or other personal pursuits..
3. Managing time well leads to more opportunities
  • Managing time well leads to more opportunities and less time wasted on trivial activities. 
  • Good time management skills are key qualities that employers look for. 
  • The ability to prioritize and schedule work is extremely desirable for any organization.
4. Time management gives the ability to realize goals
  • Individuals who practice good time management are able to better achieve goals and objectives, and do so in a shorter length of time.
The ability to manage your time effectively is important. Good time management leads to improved efficiency and productivity, less stress, and more success in life. 
  • Stress relief
  • More time
  • More opportunities
  • Ability to realize goals


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