The 9th and the 10th performances from our group!

Spichka” Public Speaking Club | American Cultural Center

Hello everybody! We had 9th and 10th performances from our group at this week! The theme was "Effective speech delivery. Prosodic Component" and it consisted of 2 part. The 1st part was presented by Marina Babich. She spoke about:
1. Proper breathing technique
2. Pronunciation & articulation
3. Projection and volume

1. Introduction: ( 10 points)
·         What technique(s) was used in the introduction? The speaker used the technique "Asking the rhetorical question".
·         Any link-element? Yes, of course "And no matter how well-prepared and engaging your content is, if you are not able to deliver your speech effectively, it may lose its interest or even importance for the audience. "
·         Was the thesis statement given? " So vocal delivery is crucial for getting your message across and I will tell you how you can work on it. Today I’m going to speak about: Proper breathing technique; Pronunciation & articulation; Projection and volume"
·         How effective was the introduction?
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts

2. Body:  (10 points)
·         How well structured was the information presented?
Highly organized
10, 9, 8
Some organized
7, 6, 5, 4
3, 2, 1
·         What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining. It was main headings, supporting materials. I want to say, that the speech had not any transitions and signposts. It is very importent to use them. Because they show how all the parts of speech fit together. 
·         How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)?
Very good
10, 9, 8
Had some problems
7, 6, 5, 4
Had major problems
3, 2, 1
·         Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety)
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5, 4
Almost no
3, 2, 1
·         Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
4, 3, 2, 1
·         Was it coherent?
10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

Max 10 pts

3. Conclusion: (10 points)
·         What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?
·         Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?)
Summary: Unfortunately, the speaker did not give summarizing.
Action:You have to work on your voice as it is the crucial instrument the speaker has. The success of the whole performance can depend on the work you’ve done on it. So keep working on it and never forget: practice makes perfect.
Emotional appeal: -
I didn't found an emotional appeal in this speech at all. And as for me, the speech was very interesting and effective but it hasn't a powerful conclusion resulting the speech will not memorable for the alltime.
·         How effective was the conclusion?
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts

Total points:  30
Given points:        15      
Marina gave us the 1st Part of this theme and the 2d part was presented by Daria Romashova. It was a video, which was perfectly made. And Daria talked about:
1. Quality and tone
2. Pitch range
3. Tempo
4. Monotone of the voice

1. Introduction: ( 10 points)
·         What technique(s) was used in the introduction? The speaker used the technique "Telling a story" and also she asked a rhetorical question
·         Any link-element? Yes, of course "I believe, effective speech delivery is an important part of public speaking. No matter how inspiring, informative or persuasive the speech you have written, poor delivery will leave your audience feeling flat, and your presentation will be less than memorable. "
·         Was the thesis statement given? "So it’s a great opportunity to avoid the poor delivery of the speech, just use the features of the voice in the right way.
Today we’re going to speak about four main features of the voice: Quality and tone; Pitch range; Tempo; Monotone of the voice"
·         How effective was the introduction?
Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts

2. Body:  (10 points)
·         How well structured was the information presented?
Highly organized
10, 9, 8
Some organized
7, 6, 5, 4
3, 2, 1
·         What organizational structure was used in the body of the speech? The speaker used outlining. It was main headings, supporting materials and some details. Also the speech had transitions and signposts which showed how all the parts of speech fit together. 
·         How understandable was the information (was it clearly explained)?
Very good
10, 9, 8
Had some problems
7, 6, 5, 4
Had major problems
3, 2, 1
·         Quality of point-support (appropriateness, completeness, variety)
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5, 4
Almost no
3, 2, 1
·         Use of facts, illustrations, examples, stories.
Lots of
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
4, 3, 2, 1
·         Was it coherent?
10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

Max 10 pts

3. Conclusion: (10 points)
·         What technique(s) was used in the conclusion?
·         Were all the steps followed (summary, action, emotional appeal?)
Summary: Always control the quality and tone of your voice, chose the right pitch, watch the tempo and certainly avoid monotone. The voice plays a very important role in the effective speech delivery.
Action:And your task is to deliver them to the speakers, to make the audience listen to you, accept your speech. And your voice is such a powerful weapon to get people’ attention and control it then.
Emotional appeal: All in all, every action should have an effect. And your speech as well. You can’t just speak about something without thinking of its effectiveness. The words shouldn’t be empty, they must be filled with the essence. Remember it!
·         How effective was the conclusion?

Very effective
10, 9, 8
7, 6, 5
Not effective
4, 3, 2, 1
Max 10 pts

Total points:  30
Given points:        27      


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