Creative Thinking

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Having clarified my purpose and set out measurable objectives, by no means should I continue with writing an outline.

I should to try creative thinking methods first then I will learn to think in a more creative way and the ideas will flow.

In the book we have 3 main and effective methods.

The first method  was invented by Edward de Bono, famous for his books and lectures on “lateral thinking”.
So, his lateral thinking method consists of the following. You should take a subject on which you are preparing a speech, pick a word at random from the dictionary and then try and make a connection between the two, even if it sounds stupid. Edward de Bono suggests this method for getting the brain to work in a creative, lateral way.
The next is a brainstorming method. It is a method of generating ideas using free associations. It can be done in a team or as a solo activity.
Essentially, the principle is to start with the word, say the theme of a talk, and to write down the next idea or word that comes into your head. Form a chain – all your words won’t necessarily relate to the original word. Even if you seem to be heading in a totally unfamiliar direction and going off the point, follow your thoughts down the channel. In group sessions, no comment must be made on the suitability of the word or idea – it is simply noted and the next person carries on.

Mind-mapping was developed in the 1970s by the academic Tony Buzan. It uses the technique to generate ideas which are then mapped on paper. It utilises both words and pictures. Pictures are easier to remember.
For this method you will need a plain piece of paper and several coloured pens.
Step one. 
You write your topic in the center of the page. 
Step two. 
Now you start writing down words which come into your head (or you can draw pictures if you wish) around the page. 
Step three. 
You go back to each word and write down secondary words which come to mind for each of the key words. Don’t worry if they don’t seem logical at this point. 
Step four. 
Now start joining up the key words or pictures using lines. Start with lines radially from the central theme. 
Step five. 
Take your different coloured pens and underline words which are related in the same colour. Alternatively, you can put a number or letter by each word or phrase that falls into the same category. 

Having studied the material, I choose the third method - MindMap. For doing this I used the app on my telephone. 
Time Management Mind Map Template | Lucidchart

I hope that this information will be useful for you! I'll wait your comments! 


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