And the last task for this week is to present useful tips that help me to overcome Stage Fright. 

4 Ways to Overcome Stage Fright - wikiHow

Exaggerate your symptoms. 
The body will not automatically produce a sympthom that you are doing consciously. Start breathing rapidly on purpose, for example. You can then stop on purpose, but your body won't start up the automatic system again. This doesn't work for everything, of course. Most people can't sweat on purpose, or increase their pulse rates. But you can shake your legs, blink rapidly, scrowl, or do whatever other little quirky things your body seems to want to do by itself.

Recognize the stress as excitement. 
The physiological symptoms associated with public speaking are virtually the same as those you'd experience if you rode a roller coaster, went on your first rafting trip, or got married. The real difference is that you have learned to associate "fright" with being on stage and "fun" with being on a roller coaster. The goal of stage fright control is not to make the symptoms go away; the goal is to learn ways to make the adrenaline rush work for you, rather than against you.

Associate speaking with fun. 
Practice your speeches in pleasant surroundings. At least during the rehearsal, get relaxed and have fun. Teach your brain to associate "talking with people" to having a party with friends. 

Eat happy foods. 
For the same reason, you can trigger a dose of pleasure with the endorphins that are triggered by certain foods. Women espond well to fat/sugar combinations (chocolate, ice cream, cake), while men tend toward fat/protein or fat/salt snacks (crisps, pizza). Be careful with the timing to avoid a sugar high or a protein lump in the digestive system. 

Dress up. 
Make it a point to dress in something you know you look good in. Get a haircut or treat yourself to a manicure. Act like you're getting ready for a date or a big party when you want to be the center of attention.

Laugh as much as you can. 
Watch a comedy in the morning, put on your favorite YouTube video, or just spend the afternoon hanging around the funniest person in your company. Laughing will relax you and take your mind off your nervousness.

Imagine your favorite person in the audience. 
Instead of imagining every person in the audience in their underwear -- which can be a little weird -- imagine that every seat in the audience is filled with a clone of your favorite person. That person loves you and will listen to and approve of anything you say or do. That person will laugh at the right times, encourage you, and clap wildly at the end of the performance.

I hope that these tips can help others. What do you may to recommend? What is your best recommendation?


  1. I also made a post about useful tips against stage fright. But when I saw your post, I saw those tips that I didn't know about. Thank you!


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